Azienda agricola Pra del Vó
Azienda agricola Pra del Vó
I am Amich Amedeo, shepherd and manager of the Pra del Vó farm. My company was born after a few years of experience in the breeding of sheep for meat both in Italy and abroad (UK). In 2020, together with my partner, I decided to start this activity of breeding in the wild of Bergamasca giant beef sheep. Our flock grazes in the hills of Castelletto d’Erro (AL) and surroundings during the summer to move to the meadows along the river Bormida during the winter. The animals live outdoors 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We immediately learned to live with the wolf, now present in our areas. We use prevention systems such as mobile electrified fences and LGDs. In one year of activity, we have never suffered predations and we can be satisfied with the work done so far. Our dogs come from pastoral bloodlines: the two females come from the pastures of the Orsiera-Rocciavrè Park while the male from the Maremma.
We are committed daily to making known and disseminating the functioning and work of our LGDs, an indispensable element of the prevention strategy, we try to make known the pastoral reality that lives and works in the area and that tries to fit into a natural context. The aim is to preserve the territory and consequently the fulcrum of pastoralism: grazing.
Azienda agricola Pensa
Azienda agricola Pensa
The Pensa farm is located at 1050 m.a.s.l. in the municipality of Torriglia, between Val Brugneto and Val Trebbia. In this wild and marginal area, such as the Genoese Apennines, Emanuela and Domenico breed mestizo goats, rustic and suitable for grazing on hostile soils, and with their milk they produce cheeses. Their idea of breeding is based on peaceful coexistence with the wildlife of the valley, including the wolf. Protecting our livestock from possible predation is a need, and we have made a virtue out of this need. Managing LGDs and electric fences is demanding, it is a “work inside the work”, but it is also the only legal and compatible way with the spirit with which we breed, work and live.
We are committed to informing and disseminating, through dedicated educational events and workshops, our experiences in order to make the public aware of the role and work of LGDs, indispensable elements in the policy of prevention and possible coexistence between humans and wolves.
Scuola di Agricoltura Naturale
Social promotion association
Scuola di Agricoltura Naturale
Social promotion association
The S.A.N. Scuola di Agricoltura Naturale, an ISO 9001 certified social promotion association, was set up to spread a better knowledge about natural agriculture and permaculture, and the practices linked to self-production and self-determination of rural communities, considered as the genetic heritage of our civilisation and not just as centres of food production. The school, in collaboration with the Ca’ Mariuccia farm that founded it, organises training courses and information events in collaboration with universities, local authorities and other farms in the area. All activities are oriented towards the recovery of ancient traditions for a new productive awareness, on the relationships between people, and towards a reconnection of people with nature.
Due to the strong interest of S.A.N. Scuola di Agricoltura Naturale in the LIFE WolfAlps EU topics, and in particular in raising awareness and training the public towards a sustainable balance between the presence of wolves, and in general of the wildlife, and human activities, this agreement intends to develop dissemination, educational and training activities, proposing events with the aim not only of informing but also of involving the various stakeholders, with particular reference to operators in the agricultural sector.
La Stalla dei Ciuchi
La Stalla dei Ciuchi
La Stalla dei Ciuchi is a farm located in Val Borbera, in Cantalupo Ligure (AL), on the Piedmontese Apennines. Matteo Becutti, sheep farmer, in the last 10 years has decided to invest himself and his experience to “multifunctional agriculture” programs in the field of sustainability and respect for the environment, and to support local livestock farms. The protection of his flock takes place thanks to the use of prevention kits and guardian dogs. His company is also an educational and social farm, thanks to the presence of donkeys, the undisputed protagonists of all the proposed activities: they are used, in fact, for ono-therapy activities, for donkey trekking, for some agricultural work with animal traction, and for educational activities. The goal is to raise awareness among children and their families, spreading the knowledge of agricultural activities, the food cycle, animal and plant life, the trade and the social role of the farmer, and to educate them to conscious consumption and respect for the environment.
La Stalla dei Ciuchi commits to favor correct and objective information on the coexistence between wolves and human activities, by organizing training and information activities on prevention strategies for local farmers, carrying out eco-tourism events, and collaborating in wolf monitoring activities.
Fattoria Cheyenne
Izobraževalna kmetija
Fattoria Cheyenne
Izobraževalna kmetija
Fattoria Cheyenne manages three farms in the province of Trento, one malga at high altitude (Malga Sass), in Valfloriana, at ca. 1900-2000 m.a.s.l., where Monica and some shepherds keep livestock during summer. Another farm, with educational activities and B&B is located at medium altitude (ca. 1000 m.a.s.l), in loc. Miola (Altipiano di Piné). A third malga/farmhouse is in the process of being managed by Fattorya Cheyenne, and will be active next summer. The malga is situated in loc. Polsa (Brentonico), on Monte Baldo, at ca. 1300-1350 m.a..s.l. In all the three areas where malghe/farmhouses are located, wolf packs are present and case damages to neighbouring shepherds. Because of this, Fattoria Cheyenne has acquired, since the beginning, in 2021, also thanks to the support of the technicians and rangers of the Autonomous Province of Trento, electric fences and guardian dogs. The main activities carried out by Fattoria Cheyenne are (depending on the location): educational farm, summer schools for kids, horse riding trekking, shepherding (several animals are kept: goats, sheep, horses, donkeys, cows), milk and cheese production in the malga, farming and production of confitures and other products from the fields, selling of these local products in the farm and in local markets.
Azienda agricola Saint Hubert
Azienda agricola Saint Hubert
Saint Hubert Farm was established in 2019 in Cantalupo Ligure (AL) on a plot of about 21 hectares. We are dedicated to “multifunctional agriculture” programs, growing lavender, vegetables and herbs and we breed Saanen and Chamois dairy goats. Our farm cares about sustainability and the environment, we are converting crops and livestock to organic and aim to be a carbon neutral farm: to offset CO2 emissions we have purchased several hectares of forest that we care for and strive to protect. To protect our animals we use prevention kits and plan to put in guard dogs. We are also an educational farm, offering environmental education workshops and team building to raise awareness of agricultural-pastoral activities, knowledge of animal and plant life, conscious consumption and the human-nature relationship. Among related activities, we are involved in dog activities aimed at the selection and training of different hunting dog breeds and shepherds as auxiliaries in various activities.
Barbara Štimec
Rejka pašnih živali in lovka
Barbara Štimec
Rejka pašnih živali in lovka
Ob Kolpi, v osrednjem območju razširjenosti medveda in volka se nahaja učna kmetija, ki se ukvarja z ohranjanjem ogroženih pasemskih živali – drežiških koz, krave cike in kokoši štajerk. Na kmetiji že vrsto let učinkovito uporabljajo visoke elektromreže in s tem preprečujejo napade zveri na pašne živali, kar jim predstavlja vsakodnevni izziv. Gonilna sila kmetije je Barbara Štimec z družino, ki z delavnicami za otroke skrbi tudi za prenos znanja na mlajše generacije. Izzive sobivanja z zvermi zna predstaviti iz več zornih kotov, saj se ukvarja tudi z lovstvom.
V okviru projekta LIFE WOLFALPS EU se skupaj z Zavodom za gozdove udeležuje izobraževalnih delavnic za dijake kmetijskih in naravovarstvenih šol. Za čim širši prenos znanj pa bo sodelovala pri izvedbi dogodka za splošno javnost in druge deležniške skupine.