Projekt je zaživel deloma zaradi dela zaposlenih v devetnajstih sodelujočih partnerskih organizacijah, deloma pa s pomočjo zunanjih sodelavcev. Mednarodna večjezična skupina, ki združuje tehnike, biologe, administratorje in komunikatorje.
Odgovorni za projekt - Direktor zavarovanega območja Alpe Maritime
Odgovorni za projekt - Direktor zavarovanega območja Alpe Maritime
Luca Gautero je v sredo, 1. septembra 2022, uradno prevzel funkcijo direktorja Uprave za upravljanje zavarovanih območij v Primorskih Alpah. Gautero, ki je diplomiral iz okoljskega in teritorialnega inženirstva ter nato doktoriral, je več let delal na občini Cuneo, kjer se je leta 1999 zaposlil kot uradnik. Od leta 2010 je vodja na področju okolja in mobilnosti, od ustanovitve rečnega parka Gesso in Stura pa je zadolžen zanj. Zaenkrat bo še naprej odgovoren za to zavarovano območje: Svet za Primorske Alpe je namreč odobril njegovo enoletno napotitev za en dan na teden v pisarne rečnega parka.
Co-Odgovorni za projekt - Direktor zavarovanega območja Alpe Maritime
Co-Odgovorni za projekt - Direktor zavarovanega območja Alpe Maritime
Še preden sem se leta 1984 pridružil nekdanjemu parku Argentera (zdaj Aree Protette delle Alpi Marittime), sem v imenu občine Entracque spremljal prve korake novo nastalega zavarovanega območja. Nato sem začel delati v parku Argentera, kjer sem opravljal tehnične in naravovarstvene naloge ter dejavnosti gospodarskega in kadrovskega upravljanja ter vztrajno spodbujal deželo med Alpami in Sredozemljem, Padsko nižino in Provanso. Danes opravljam funkcijo direktorja zavarovanega območja Alpe Marittime in sem si z leti nabral veliko izkušenj pri vodenju čezmejnih in mednarodnih evropskih projektov, namenjenih ohranjanju okolja in trajnostni promociji ozemlja. Projekt LIFE WOLFALPS EU zagotovo predstavlja enega najzahtevnejših in najambicioznejših izzivov, kar zadeva cilje in razsežnosti, v zadnjih letih.
Koordinatorica projekta - Center za velike zveri, Zavarovano območje Alpe Maritime
Koordinatorica projekta - Center za velike zveri, Zavarovano območje Alpe Maritime
Francesca Marucco, biologinja, z 20-letnimi izkušnjami s področja raziskovanja in upravljanja volkov v Alpah in ZDA, diplomirala na Univerzi v Torinu (Italija), magistrirala in doktorirala iz biologije prostoživečih živali na Univerzi v Montani (ZDA). Sem pogodbena profesorica na Univerzi v Torinu (Italija), odgovorna za program spremljanja volkov v italijanskih Alpah, ki ga izvaja ISPRA (Italijanski inštitut za okoljske raziskave), vodja projekta in znanstvena koordinatorka nekdanjega projekta LIFE WOLFALPS. Od leta 1999 sem znanstvena koordinatorica v Centru za upravljanje in ohranjanje velikih zveri regije Piemonte. Objavila sem številne znanstvene članke na mednarodni ravni in sodelujem v več raziskovalnih projektih o velikih zveri v Evropi in ZDA. Od leta 2012 sem tudi članica Iniciative za velike zveri v Evropi (LCIE), ki je strokovna skupina IUCN SSC.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Moj osrednji karierni cilj in motivacijo za delo predstavlja iskanje učinkovitih rešitev za naravovarstvene probleme. Naravnanost k živalim sem izrazila že tekom študija veterinarske medicine, katerega sem zaključila z diplomskim delom na področju ekologije volka. Ko sem postala bolj aktivno udeležena v varstvene akcije, sem spoznala, da delo z ljudmi predstavlja glavni izziv naravovarstvu. Nadaljnji študij sem tako posvetila družbenim vidikom varstva in upravljanja s prostoživečih živali, predvsem vključevanju javnosti v procese odločanja in odnosa javnosti do velikih zveri. V 20 letih kariere, sem sodelovala pri različnih naravovarstvenih in raziskovalnih projektih, predvsem na območju Slovenije in Hrvaške. Sem članica mednarodne skupine IUCN/SSC specialist group “Large carnivore initiative for Europe”. Trenutno sem kot raziskovalka in vodja projektov zaposlena na Oddelku za Biologijo Biotehniške fakultete, Univerza v Ljubljani. Izven dela sem polno zaposlena mama, poleg tega pa tudi sprehajalka psov, jadralka, šivilja in prostovoljka v društvu Downov sindrom Slovenija.
Director of the Protected Areas of the Piedmontese Apennines, Project Responsible
Director of the Protected Areas of the Piedmontese Apennines, Project Responsible
Graduated in Forest and Environmental Sciences at the University of Turin, I have been working for twenty years in the management of the natural areas of Piedmont, first as a park guard, then as a technician, until I have held the position of Director of the Management Body since 2005, taking care of the financial, technical and administrative management. Passionate about marginal and uncontaminated areas, I have always been interested in the natural world and biodiversity.
Odgovorna za izvajanje projekta na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije
Odgovorna za izvajanje projekta na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije
Diplomirala sem iz prava, vendar sem v življenju počela že marsikaj, preden sem našla zaposlitev, ki vključuje tudi mojo veliko ljubezen do narave. Kot del ekipe za LIFE projekte za velike zveri na ZGS pomagam pri administrativnih in finančnih nalogah, priključim pa se tudi dejavnostim na terenu. Živim ob gozdu, z medvedi, volkovi in risi za hrbtom, srnjad in jelenjad so gosti v mojem vrtu, veverice nam kukajo skozi okna. Kot svojo nalogo štejem, da to ohranim tudi za otroke – za njih je gozd veliko igrišče. Brez družine, dobrih knjig in športa bi bilo moje življenje nemogoče.
Odgovorna za izvajanje projekta na Biotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
Odgovorna za izvajanje projekta na Biotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
Študirala sem mikrobiologijo, vendar me je poklicna pot kasneje zanesla v fascinanten svet velikih zveri. Uživam v spoznavanju kompleksnosti njihovega varstva in prizadevanjih za boljše sobivanje ljudi in prostoživečih živali. Prosti čas rada preživljam v naravi, se igram z otroki in tik pred spanjem preberem dobro knjigo.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Od malih nog sem navdušena nad naravo in še posebej nad zvermi. To je bil tudi glavni razlog, da sem se vpisala na Biotehniško fakulteto in diplomirala iz biologije. Tekom študija in tudi po njem sem bila kot prostovoljka aktivna v različnih naravoslovnih organizacijah tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini, med drugim sem sodelovala tudi pri terenskih popisih živali in rastlin. V prostem času se rada ukvarjam s konji, smučam ter raziskujem skrite kotičke našega planeta.
Muse - Science Museum, Project Responsible
Muse - Science Museum, Project Responsible
Born in Tione di Trento in 1979, he graduated in Biological Sciences, ethological address, with a thesis on social facilitation. In 2005, he obtained a Master in Environmental Communication from the University of Pisa and since 2007 he has been working at the MUSE – Museum of Sciences in Trento, dealing with various aspects of the museum over time. He currently, together with Laura Scillitani, coordinates the actions of MUSE in the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project to improve wolf-human coexistence for the alpine population.
Director of the Ossola Protected Areas, Project Responsible
Director of the Ossola Protected Areas, Project Responsible
Agronomist, with more than 15 years experience in Natura 2000 management, planning, environmental assessment and project management both as freelance consultant and civil servant. During the last years I have been involved also in social innovation projects in marginal rural areas, with a focus on the western alpine communities. Since March 2020, I am in charge of the overall and day-to-day management of the Protected Areas of Ossola Management Body. With the technical and administrative support of my colleagues Radames, Eleonora and Ivana I am also in charge of managing the LIFE Wolfalps EU actions and tasks.
Veterinary University Vienna, Project Responsible
Veterinary University Vienna, Project Responsible
I am a wildlife biologist with a focus on large carnivore conservation. Originally I started working on brown bears in Trentino and Slovenia, nowadays I moved on to wolves as my main focus species. Getting the coexistence of wolves and humans to work in Austria and the whole Alps seems to be the biggest, but also the greatest challenge in my professional life. It is fascinating to see how a society as a whole, but more important single stakeholder groups interact with each other, only because of an animal species. Beside my work on large carnivores, I conduct statistical data analyses and computer simulation studies in other ecological and veterinarian projects. In my free time, I love to hike, do other outdoor activities and to play badminton.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Zaposlen sem kot tehnični sodelavec v skupini za ekologijo živali na Katedri za ekologijo in varstvo okolja na Oddelku za biologijo, Biotehniške fakultete, Univerze v Ljubljani. Imam več kot 25 let izkušenj z delom na različnih projektih. Na projektu LIFE WOLFALPS EU sodelujem v okviru akcije spremljanja populacije volkov, kjer opravljam terensko in tehnično delo.
EURAC Research, Project Responsible
EURAC Research, Project Responsible
Graduated in natural sciences and wildlife management, I am also a PhD in physical geography. Since 2011, I have worked for Eurac Research on ecological connectivity and human-wildlife relationship, fundamental topics to implement actions that could protect biodiversity and the human presence and economy in the mountains at the same time. I love to hike in nature with my dog and to read books about ancient history and eastern philosophy. I write scientific articles about nature and human-wildlife interactions.
AREC HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Project Responsible
AREC HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Project Responsible
My name is Ferdinand Ringdorfer and I am the head of the department for sheep and goats at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Within the project, I am the project manager and I also coordinate technical tasks such as the establishment of the WPIUs. My work at AREC focuses on the breeding of goats and sheep and experiments on different grazing methods in the alpine region. I am planning to spend the next summer on an alpine pasture with a herd of about 700 sheep. Moreover, I am the editor of the Austrian journal “Sheep and Goats – News”. In my free time I like to travel or to go for a run.
Carabinieri - Forestry Environmental and Agri-food protection Units, Project Responsible
Carabinieri - Forestry Environmental and Agri-food protection Units, Project Responsible
I am a Lieutenant Colonel of the Arma dei Carabinieri Forest Specialty. I am the head of the Studies and Projects Office, a special office dedicated to LIFE projects. We work to combat illegal wildlife killing. Anti-poaching and anti-poisoning activities are our main activity in this LIFE WolfAlps EU Project and the anti-poison canine teams are our winning weapons. I coordinated a lot of LIFE projects with dogs anti-poison units: LIFE Medwolf, LIFE WolfAlps, LIFE Mirco lupo, LIFE Pluto and now I am the coordinator of Arma dei Carabinieri actions in Wolfalps EU Project. In my free time, I love spending time with my family. I enjoy travelling, hiking, skiing and sailing.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Po poklicu sem gozdar, šolanje sem dokončal na Biotehniški fakulteti na Univerzi v Ljubljani in sicer na Oddelku za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire. Najbolj me zanima preučevanje živali, še posebej velikih zveri. Tenutno se najbolj ukvarjam s preučevanjem risa, divjih mačk občasno pa sodelujem tudi pri raziskavah volkov. Že od malih nog rad čas preživljam v gozdu oziroma naravi, kjer se počutim najbolj domače. V prostem času se ukvarjam s fotografijo divjih živali, gorskim kolesarstvom, pohodništvom in izdelavo nožev.
ERSAF - Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry, Project Responsible
ERSAF - Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry, Project Responsible
Head of the Agroforestry Supply Chain Services Office of ERSAF (Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry), I coordinated the working group that supported Lombardy Region on the previous LIFE WOLFALPS project that contributed to build the prevention system in the Lombardy Region. I am the manager – responsible in ERSAF for the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project.
Mercantour National Park
Mercantour National Park
Born in Italy, I grew up in Milan in a bilingual family. After graduating in Political science, I moved to Nice in 2008 to deal with the financial and administrative management of European projects and especially cross-border projects between France and Italy. Since 2010, I have been in charge of European projects at PNM.
Director of Cottian Alps Protected Areas, Project Responsible
Director of Cottian Alps Protected Areas, Project Responsible
After the degree in Agricultural Sciences at Turin University I began my first experience in environmental protection with the direction of Val Troncea Natural Park from 1984 to 1998. In the same year I was appointed general manager of the Gran Paradiso national Park, that I have managed for nineteen years. Subsequently a real biodiversity treasure trove waited for me to lead four natural parks and 15 special areas of conservation in the Cottian Alps. My team in the project: Silvia Alberti, Gianabele Bonicelli, Gianfranco Careddu, Rosario Decrù, Nadia Faure, Bruno Frache, Renato Garrone, Luca Giunti, Monica Leschiera, Pierpaolo Massel, Alba Meirone, Domenico Rosselli, Massimo Rosso, Elisa Ramassa, Bruno Usseglio.
Valle d’Aosta Region, Project Responsible
Valle d’Aosta Region, Project Responsible
I graduated in Forestry Science at the University of Torino in 1986 and I have been responsible for the Hunting and Wildlife Service of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta since 1997. I have worked in many European projects concerning the protection and management of wild species (native trout, arctic hare, rock ptarmigan, black grouse, ibex, …) and their environment. Since the wolf reappeared in Valle d’Aosta, I have been working on monitoring populations and on living with livestock. I am very pleased to be part of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project.
Mercantour National Park, Project Responsible
Mercantour National Park, Project Responsible
I am a wildlife biologist specialised in carnivore conservation. Before arriving at the MNP as coordinator of the project, I worked at the OFB (Office Français de la Biodiversité – ex-ONCFS Wildlife and Hunting French Agency) for 13 years, and in French Guiana for 11 years, where I was responsible for the Technical and Knowledge Department and worked on tropical wild fauna. I have particularly implemented a project on jaguar-men coexistence consisting in biological knowledge improvement on the species (capture, radio-telemetry, monitoring, genetic analysis) and conflict management (delocation, communication). I like to travel, discover new places and draw (mainly animals) and I am really excited to be part of this project.
Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, Project Responsible
Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, Project Responsible
I have been an administrative officer of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park since 1999, and currently I’m also acting director of the National Park. In the framework of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project I am responsible for the administrative aspects of the various actions carried out by the Park.
Muse - Science Museum
Muse - Science Museum
Graduated in Natural Sciences with an experimental thesis in animal behavior, she has been working at the MUSE since 1998. Since 2009, she has been a cultural mediator in the vertebrate zoology area. She is involved in science communication, temporary exhibition, permanent galleries, educational activities and public events. Educational activities manager and special events curator in the LIFE WolfAlps EU project.
ERSAF - Lombardy Regional Agency for Agriculture and Forests
ERSAF - Lombardy Regional Agency for Agriculture and Forests
I have been working for ERSAF (Lombardy Regional Agency for Agriculture and Forests) for almost thirty years. In the Life WolfAlps EU project, as I did in the previous Life WOLFALPS, I collaborate mainly in the actions related to prevention measures and for the reduction of conflicts with shepherds, breeders and hunters in Lombardy.
EURAC Research
EURAC Research
Spatial Planner and PhD in Environmental Science, I am Senior Researcher at Eurac Research. My passion about nature and mountains is the reason why I live and work in Bolzano, the “gateway to the Dolomites” in the heart of the Alps, and why I deal with local and regional development with focus on mountain environment, protected and marginal areas and the human-wildlife relationship and conflict. I’m a curious guy and I love travelling and spending time outdoors with my friends and family.
MUSE - Science Museum
MUSE - Science Museum
I am a journalist, graduated in Chinese language and literature, and am currently director of communication coordinating the network of MUSE press office and promotion, leading the International Collaboration Project Management team. I amalso in charge of MUSE public relations, and of the brand identity. Since 2015, I have been a member of the Cultural Commission of the Municipality of Pergine (Italy). In 2017, I started to serve ICOM Italy as delegate for the Trentino Alto-Adige region.
Veterinary, Protected Areas of the Maritime Alps
Veterinary, Protected Areas of the Maritime Alps
I have a degree and PhD from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Turin, and a masters degree in Wildlife Eco Pathology from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Milan. I have always worked in the field of wildlife and I have been involved in the experimentation and dissemination of prevention systems and predation methods of wolves on livestock for ten years. I took part in the previous LIFE WolfAlps project and I am also t the veterinarian for the Beneficiary Coordinator of the current project.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
I am a wildlife biologist and researcher in conservation genetics and ecology. My recent studies include genomic analyses of wild species and domestic populations at risk in Europe and Canada, including bison, cattle, dogs, and wolves. I am interested in contemporary evolution resulting from human activities, and how we can best preserve wild species and their habitats in the face of rapid environmental change. I have a strong interest in applied conservation genetics, and in projects that integrate ecology, evolution, and conservation and connect these fields to human dimensions, including ethics and human-wildlife interactions. In my free time I enjoy dancing, hiking, reading, and traveling. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this and other wildlife conservation projects that are helping to preserve wild species in south central Europe and beyond.
Metropolitan City of Turin
Metropolitan City of Turin
Born in the mountains and enthusiastic mountaineer and fauna observer, I was hired in 1999 as Environmental wildlife agent at the Flora and Fauna Protection Service of the Province of Turin, and in 2010 I’ve changed my qualification to Wildlife supervisory instructor following a public competition. I deal with faunal control, hunting, fishing and environment surveillance, and I coordinate other colleagues and voluntary surveillance. Being an enthusiast dog lover, during the previous project I have trained with my female dog Mirtylle, a five year old Australian shepherd, to search for poison and we are now recognized as an anti-poison dog unit in the Piedmont Region. In the project, I will mainly deal with anti-poison inspections, monitoring and prevention activities with WPIU.
Metropolitan City of Turin
Metropolitan City of Turin
Graduated in International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Turin, I have been working for the Metropolitan City of Turin for ten years, first within the Europe Direct center and now in the Specialized Unit in European and international projects where I deal with the management and implementation of European projects. In the LIFE Wolfalps EU project my role is Financial project manager.
MUSE - Science Museum
MUSE - Science Museum
Graduated in Ecology and Evolution, with a postgraduate specialisation in wildlife management and conservation. As an ecologist, I look at the world trying to understand the complex relationships that connect all species, including humans and wolves.
Valle d’Aosta Region
Valle d’Aosta Region
Graduated in Forestry and Environmental Sciences and with a specialization in landscape architecture, I have been working for 15 years at the hunting and wildlife service as the person in charge of the wildlife and fishing office, where, in addition to normal wildlife management work, I work in some European projects, including the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project, of which I am the technical and conservation group and communication group responsible.
French Biodiversity Agency - OFB
French Biodiversity Agency - OFB
First graduated in Wildife Research issues and population modelling, the predator prey interface turns to be the core of my interests on deer, sustainable harvest strategies and habitat interactions. I am a wildlife biologist at the French Biodiversity Agency (Office Français de la Biodiversité – OFB) working among the Research Department on predator and depredator animals as project manager. My previous field experiences are associated to the applied nature of the Research, now dedicated to the understanding of carnivore ecology as well as the management of wolf-human interactions and decision making process. Thanks to the former implications within international canid specialist group in Europe and alpine area, my involvement in this LIFE project will focus on the wolf-prey ecosystem understanding and on the establishment of an integrated surveillance of the wolf status at the Alpine population level.
Lombardy Region
Lombardy Region
An Educator by vocation, I worked for more than twenty years in the Lombardy Regional Park of the Ticino Valley as a responsible officer for Environmental Education. Currently, I’m working at the Region of Lombardy’s DG for Environment and Climate where my many years of experience in the field is being enriched with new knowledge and skills, also at a European level. In the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project, I am responsible for both the Environmental Education and communications actions.
ERSAF - Stelvio National Park
ERSAF - Stelvio National Park
I graduated in Communication Sciences. I have been working at the Stelvio National Park for many years, in the field of environmental education, scientific communication and sustainable tourism development. I collaborated with the previous Life Wolfalps in the action related to the analysis of the attitude of the general public, hunters and breeders towards the wolf and its ways of management. For the LIFE WolfAlps EU project, I deal with the implementation of communication, environmental education and responsible tourism in the Stelvio Park area for ERSAF.
Protected Areas of the Maritime Alps, Administrative Responsible
Protected Areas of the Maritime Alps, Administrative Responsible
The administrative management of projects is complex and must be carried out with precision and rigour so that the expenditure incurred in carrying out the activities is certified. For good management, teamwork and close collaboration between technical and administrative contacts within the institution and with all project partners is essential. This allows us to build relationships and grow humanly and professionally: a challenge that many times turns into satisfaction! One of the greatest satisfactions after the first LIFE WOLFALPS project was, at the end of the project, the permanent organic stabilization of the administrative employee hired on a temporary basis for the duration of the project, with whom I continue to work on the new project today.
Metropolitan City of Turin
Metropolitan City of Turin
I am an agronomist and I manage the Rural and Mountain Department of Metropolitan City of Turin where I have been working since 2001, dealing with economic and social development of rural and mountain areas. I have also been Project manager of twelve European projects. As part of this project, I hold the qualification of ecotourism specialist and I deal with identifying and promoting ecotourism products and events in wolf territories.
Mercantour National Park
Mercantour National Park
After a degree in forest and environmental sciences at the University of Padua in Italy, with the completion of a thesis on the forestry system on the Ivory Coast, I arrived in France in order to specialize in mediation and environmental education. I was mainly seeking to learn how to transmit the desire to protect nature to as many people as possible. Following this master’s degree, I quickly found a job in France in the field of environmental education, in several different administrations including some on the international level. These experiences also included working internationally. Since 2012, I have been in charge of the coordination of the educational policy for the Mercantour National Park (France).
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška Fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška Fakulteta
My role in the group is to analyze NGS data and computer modelling of the population dynamics. I studied entomology in St. Petersburg University, Russia, where I started as a “classical” taxonomist, then switched to molecular phylogenetics and, finally, to computer science. However, field trips are still my favorite part of scientific life. I am strongly interested in development of bioinformatics methods for research in wildlife conservation, ecology and evolution.
MUSE - Science Museum
MUSE - Science Museum
After graduating in International Relations and European Integration, she lived in Geneva for several years and in Brussels doing internships and work experiences at international and European organizations. She moved to Trento in 2012, to deal with the financial and administrative management of European projects for the Autonomous Province of Trento and since 2015, she collaborates with MUSE.
Maritime Alps Protected Areas, Technical manager
Maritime Alps Protected Areas, Technical manager
I have been involved in the ecology and management of large mammals first during my academic studies (degree in Biological Sciences) and then for assignments carried out for several institutions (Regional and National Parks, Provincial and Regional Administrations, CNR, Universities). The Master in Geographic Information Systems for the environment at the University of Milan has perfected my training in GIS and spatial data analysis, applicable in ecological studies. I obtained twenty years of experience in wolf management aimed at conservation, first I worked in the Apennine and then” in the Alps. There I’ve had the opportunity to follow the natural alpine colonization of the wolf from the very first steps, monitoring the status of the wolf population (within an international framework of collaboration) and working on the management of the man/wolf conflict. I worked first as a researcher of the “Piedmont Wolf Project” (2002-2012), then with assignments in specific actions in the LIFE WolfAlps Project (2014-2018) and currently in the LIFE WolfAlps EU Project in the role of Technical Manager for the Coordinating Beneficiary. I strongly believe in teamwork, an attitude that has always accompanied my life.
Arma dei Carabinieri - Units for Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food protection
Arma dei Carabinieri - Units for Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food protection
As a member of the State Forestry Corps (now, Arma dei Carabinieri Forest Speciality). I have been collecting wolf droppings along the Maritime Alps for 24 years and in the LIFE WOLFALPS EU Project I will check and reorganize collections of wolf droppings by colleagues. Since 2014, I have been a handler of Kira, a Belgian Malinois, trained as an anti-poison dog within LIFE WOLFALPS Project. We mainly work in Piedmont to preventt poaching and illegal use of poisons.
I have been working at the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park since 1999. I am responsible for communication, dissemination and research and monitoring projects in the field of wildlife. For the LIFE Wolfalps EU project I work on the actions about communication, environmental education and wolf monitoring within the territory of the National Park.
Inspector of the Aosta Valley Forestry Corps, Wildlife and fishing office
Inspector of the Aosta Valley Forestry Corps, Wildlife and fishing office
I have worked in the Aosta Valley Forestry Corps since 1987. I take care of the verification of wildlife counts in the Aosta Valley Region. In the LIFE WolfAlps EU project I am the coordinator of the prevention and monitoring actions.
Maritime Alps Protected Areas, Administrative Support
Maritime Alps Protected Areas, Administrative Support
The administrative management of projects is complex, the reporting of LIFE projects is very detailed and extremely rigorous. I have been doing this work for twenty years, an almost invisible and silent activity, which makes it possible to carry out concrete conservation and communication actions. To escape the boredom of office work, it is comforting to think that my accounting and administrative skills are put at the service of nature conservation.
Protected Areas of the Piedmontese Apennines
Protected Areas of the Piedmontese Apennines
I got a high school diploma in education and I attended graphic design studies. Following my passion for nature and the Apennine mountains, in 1993 I became part of the Protected Areas of Piedmont, first as a park guard and in 2007 as Technical Officer in matters of environmental management and conservation. My interests focus on the biology of conservation, planning and management of the territory. The wolf, for me, represents a link between the wild life I aspire and the conservation of nature that I take care of. I am a riding instructor and I am passionate about music, art and books.
Cottian Alps Protected Areas
Cottian Alps Protected Areas
I’m a park ranger at the Orsiera Rocciavrè nature park and I collaborated on the first Piedmont Wolf Project and on the previous Life Wolf Alps project. Dr. Silvia Dalmasso and I managed the logistics of protection systems and guardian dogs in defense of the flocks.
Valle d'Aosta Region
Valle d'Aosta Region
Superintendent of the Aosta Valley Forestry Corps – Assigned to the Flora and Fauna Structure – Wildlife and Fishing Office. I have a law degree. I have worked in the Aosta Valley Forestry Corps since 1999 for which I am the contact person in the technical-operational table of the National action plan for combating offenses against wild birds. As part of the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project, I am the anti-poison and anti-poaching actions coordinator.
MUSE - Science Museum
MUSE - Science Museum
Post-doctoral researcher at MUSE, I completed my naturalistic studies through various experiences in Italy and other European countries. In 2020, I have concluded my PhD, which allowed me to delve into subjects related to large carnivores and their interactions with humans and their activities. Partner level Stewardship Manager; Assistant in Human Dimension analysis, communication contents and networking with stakeholders in the LIFE Wolfalps EU project.
Arma dei Carabinieri - Units for Forestry Environmental and Agri-food protection
Arma dei Carabinieri - Units for Forestry Environmental and Agri-food protection
Diplomiral sem iz industrijske biotehnologije na Univerzi v Ferrari in leta 2018 zmagal na natečaju za častnike gozdne vloge v karabinjerskem korpusu.
Od leta 2020 sem poveljnik Nucleo Investigativo Ambientale AgroAlimentare e Forestale v mestu Imperia in Nucleo Cites v istem mestu. polno aktiven v boju proti okoljskim kaznivim dejanjem, zlasti tistim, ki so storjena v škodo vrst, zaščitenih z Washingtonsko konvencijo. Pri projektu EU Wolfalps sem kot regionalna kontaktna oseba za Ligurijo zadolžena za usklajevanje dejavnosti, povezanih s projektom, in nadzor dejavnosti ligurske enote za boj proti strupom.
OFB - French Biodiversity Agency
OFB - French Biodiversity Agency
I am the administrative, financial and communication manager at the French Biodiversity Agency (Office Français de la Biodiversité – OFB). I previously worked with the Agency as part of an international congress organizing committee. I graduated in public library administration and management. Participating in this project represents a great challenge, both technically and administratively, which I look forward to taking up within this team.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
I am a researcher and assistant at the Department of Biology at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. I received my doctorate on the topic of ecological characteristics and endangerment of wild cats in Slovenia. I work in the research group for animal ecology at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, where as an assistant I teach students topics in the field of animal ecology and the study of ecosystems. The central theme of my research and professional work to date is the study of large mammals, especially large carnivores – their ecology, management and protection. In my work, I participate in the development and optimization of monitoring and management of wild animal populations at home and abroad. Among other things, I am also a member of the international group of experts for monitoring and studying wolf populations in the WAG (Wolf Alpine Group).
Maritime Alps Protected Areas - Communication team
Maritime Alps Protected Areas - Communication team
Graduated in environmental philosophy, with the excuse of the PhD in Alpine anthropology I moved to the Maritime Alps, where I live. I am a hiking guide and I am involved in environmental education. My first experience with wolf communication was in the previous LIFE WOLFALPS project: although this species is the most controversial and exploited species in the Alps, I am here again to deal with communication. I am passionate about nature, history and culture of the Alps: I appreciate the wolf as a piece of Alpine biodiversity, but I could never live without the alpine cheese of my shepherd friends, who I consider the guardians of the mountain. I read everything that comes my way and, when I can, I write articles and books – about the mountains.
Liguria Region
Liguria Region
Trenutno končujem magistrski študij geoloških znanosti in tehnologij.
Že od nekdaj imam rad gore, kar je vplivalo na mojo izbiro študijske poti.Sodelovanje v projektu EU Life Wolfalps mi omogoča razširiti pogled na življenje v gorah zaradi preučevanja volka in njegovega odnosa z okoljem in človekom.
Strastno se ukvarjam z naravo, umetnostjo in trajnostnim razvojem, v prostem času hodim na pohode in rada berem, zlasti o potovanjih in gorah.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
My work at the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana, Biology department is based on searching for signs of presence as well as capturing and telemetry research of large carnivores. I’m also finishing my masters thesis where I’m studying interactions between lynx female, male and their offspring. In my free time I like to do sports, especially football and cycling. For me it is a great privilege to work for a project like this, so close to nature.
Protected Areas of the Piedmontese Apennines
Protected Areas of the Piedmontese Apennines
EURAC Research, Technical-Conservation Responsible
EURAC Research, Technical-Conservation Responsible
After studying wildlife and conservation management in Vienna, I moved back to my home village in the South Tyrolean mountains. My family owns sheep and unfortunately, we lost several animals to wolves during the summer season on the mountain pasture. In these moments I experience this human wildlife conflict first-hand and it makes me aware of the importance of mitigation initiatives to provide perspectives for coexistence between human activities and nature conservation.
MUSE/APAM - Communication team
MUSE/APAM - Communication team
I am a passionate wildlife biologist with a strong commitment to communication. I graduated in biological science in 2006, and I earned my PhD in 2011. I worked in Italy and abroad, developing experience in large mammals ecology and management. Since 2012 I work as a wildlife biologist in collaboration with national and regional protected areas. Since 2014 I am working in monitoring and conservation of large carnivores ( Apennine brown bear and wolves). After earning a master degree on science communication, I am also working as a free-lance scientific writer and in 2021 I have happily joined LIFE WolfAlps EU as a communicator manager at MUSE.
Cottian Alps Protected Areas
Cottian Alps Protected Areas
Genoese sailor landed in the Savoy mountains, I started studying wolves in the past century, chased them to the Canadian polar circle and dedicated my graduate thesis in natural sciences to them. Park ranger, careful to education and environmental assessments, photographer and writer, during the new LIFE will exceed 200 public lectures on the wolf theme.
Stelvio National Park
Stelvio National Park
Scientific coordinator of Stelvio National Park and part of the Large Carnivore Sector of Autonomous Province of Trento. Expertise in ecology and conservation of large mammals. From 1996 to 2001, researcher for the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, working on environmental planning and wildlife management. From 2001 co-ordination of research and monitoring programmes of natural resources in protected areas, with special reference to ungulates and carnivores populations.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
I am a biologist, and I have been working with the Animal Ecology Research Group, BF, UL since 2010, where my main responsibility is ensuring that our genetic laboratory runs smoothly. I am glad that I have an opportunity to work on such projects as LIFE WolfAlps EU, knowing that our work has an impact on nature conservation. Most of my free time is now dedicated to family life – we love to go out, discover new places and just enjoy our time together.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Kot študentka biologije in ekologije ter prostovoljka sem bila vključena v različne aktivnosti, tudi v projekte na temo velikih zveri. Vesela sem, da so lahko te dejavnosti zdaj tudi del moje službe. Še posebej me zanima sobivanje ljudi z velikimi zvermi, ki se mi ne zdi vprašanje narave, temveč vprašanje družbe. Svoj prosti čas rada preživljam zunaj, pogosto skupaj s svojim psom in prijatelji, na treningih brazilskega jiu-jitsa ter s poslušanjem glasbe.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Med študijem biološkega izobraževanja ter ekologije in biodiverzitete sem spoznala, da sta obe področji zelo povezani. Izobraževanje javnosti o ekologiji in biologiji je namreč pomembno za ustvarjanje pozitivnih stališč o zvereh. Kot sodelavka na projektu se veselim, da bom lahko pripomogla k ohranjanju volka preko izdelave izobraževalnih vsebin in aktivnosti za širšo javnost. V prostem času sem rada v naravi, predvsem uživam v pohodništvu in plezanju. Preostali čas preživim v družbi prijateljev in bližnjih, igram kitaro in pojem ali preberem kakšno zanimivo knjigo.
Muse - Science Museum
Muse - Science Museum
I graduated in Natural Science and in 2014 obtained a Master in World Natural Heritage Management. I was at the head of the Education Department and since 2018 is Cultural Mediator of Museum of Sciences in Trento. I’m dealing with educational projects, scientific dissemination and territorial projects. I currently deals also with educational actions of LIFE WolfAlps EU project to improve wolf-human coexistence at the alpine population level. Educational activities manager and curator in the LIFE WolfAlps EU project.
APAM-University of Chester
APAM-University of Chester
I was born on the Adriatic Sea, but my professional training took place entirely in the Western Alps, from Gran Paradiso to the Maritime Alps; here I have studied the relationship between wildlife, vegetation and climate and livestock guarding dogs’ movements in alpine pastures, different topics but with Conservation Biology as a common thread. Graduated in Natural Sciences in Bologna and then in Environmental Biology in Turin, I am now doing my PhD within the LIFE Wolfalps EU project, together with the University of Chester, where I study wolves’ spatiotemporal dynamics in the Italian Alps.
She graduated in Biological Sciences with a biological-ecological address at the University of Parma. After graduation she developed some scientific research projects and dealt with educational planning in collaboration with various public authorities. In 1998, she started working at the Museum of Sciences in Trento and was hired in 2013. She is dealing with educational projects and scientific dissemination and currently educational activities manager and curator in the LIFE Wolfalps EU project.
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
I was born in the Pyrenees where I grew up with the issue of coexistence with the brown bear. After a Master’s degree in conservation biology and ecology, I joined the Mercantour National Park where I have been working since 2013 as a Fauna vertebrate Officer. I work mainly on wolves, ungulates and mountain galliformes, but every year new subjects appear. In 2020, it is the otter, a nice surprise and the list of possibilities is endless and exciting. I am also in charge of the team of agents habilitated to carry out wolf damage reports on domestic herds.
Maritime Alps Protected Areas, Communication team
Maritime Alps Protected Areas, Communication team
I am a biologist, graduated at the University of Parma. Since 2007 I have been working with passion on several national and international projects on management and conservation of natural diversity, from freshwater fish fauna, to the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory of the Maritime Alps, to the impact of climate change in Alpine areas. I have also been involved in the organization of educational activities for private bodies and for the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Science of the University of Turin. In 2021 I joined the communication team of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project at Aree Protette delle Alpi Marittime.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
I first got involved in nature conservation during my master studies when I started working in the Animal Ecology Research Group’s laboratory. Might sound odd to most, but I happily spent most days extracting DNA from poop samples. At the same time I was able to learn more about current problems in wolf and bear conservation. I have since switched the pipette with a keyboard, but still find it exciting to learn about the other side of nature conservation, human dimensions. I love spending time outside, especially running and hiking, but now most of my free time is spent learning how to convince a young hunting dog to do what you want and not just follow her nose.
Città Metropolitana di Torino
Città Metropolitana di Torino
Graduated in economics and specialized in marketing, I am part of the ERSAF communication staff. In the last 15 years, I have been working on the communication of many European projects, including some LIFE (i.e. Life HelpSoil, best Life 2012 and LIFE Gestire). In ERSAF, for the LIFE WolfAlps EU project, I am in charge of communication action
Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park
Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park
As Lieutenant Colonel of the Arma dei Carabinieri Forest Specialty, since 2019, I am head of the Biodiversity Carabinieri Forestry Office of Vittorio Veneto (Treviso – Veneto), a special office dedicated to management of State Natural Reserves. Graduated in Forest Sciences at the University of Bari in 1986 with a specialization in Forest Pathology and a Master in International Cooperation for Development. In 1989, I started working at the State Forestry Corps as an officer, in Abruzzo and Apulia regions. I’ve also worked for some years as a forest officer detached to the Central Technical Unit of Italian Cooperation – Ministry Foreign Affairs. In this LIFE WolfAlps EU Project I am the coordinator of Communication for the Arma dei Carabinieri side and the referent for the Veneto region.
Città Metropolitana di Torino
Città Metropolitana di Torino
Professional journalist and expert editor of the Turin Metropolitan City Press Office, head of the “Editorial Products” and “Advanced Multifunctional Desk” project units of the Department of Communication and Relations with Citizens and Territories. Previously press officer of the Provincial Councillors for Tourism and Sport, Agriculture and Mountains, Traffic, Transport and Major Infrastructures. Editor of the weekly periodicals “Cronache da Palazzo Cisterna” (paper) and “Block Notes” (radio and television). Head of the Winter Olympics Communication Project Torino 2206 and major events (sports, recreational and cultural events, initiatives of the Authority on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, etc.). Since 2015, press officer of the Metropolitan Councillors in charge of Culture, Tourism, Sport, Agriculture, Mountain, Fauna and Flora Protection, Parks and protected areas.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Sem docent in raziskovalec prosto živečih živali na Oddelku za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire na Biotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in večinoma delam na področju ekologije, upravljanja in ohranitvene biologije velikih zveri v Evraziji in Afriki. Večino svojih raziskav sem posvetil evrazijskemu risu, rjavemu medvedu, volku, leopardu, gepardu, snežnemu leopardu in šakalom. V manjšem obsegu se ukvarjam tudi z ujedami, krokarji in kuščarji.V prostem času rad potujem po svetu in fotografiram divje živali.
Aree protette Alpi Cozie
Aree protette Alpi Cozie
I hold university degrees in both mathematics and public/political communication. Since 2001 I have been employed by the park services at Parco naturale Gran Bosco di Salbertrand (where the first confirmed wolf reproduction in the Cottian Alps occurred). Prior to that time, I worked in the private sector. I have managed the areas of general business, communication, education and park usage since 2012, when the park was included in the larger system of protected areas within the Cottian Alps. I already have experience coordinating communication for the previous LIFE WOLFALPS project, and in this new European program I am flanked by Simone Bobbio (professional journalist) and park ranger colleagues Luca Giunti and Gianabele Bonicelli.
Mercantour National Park
Mercantour National Park
I have a PhD in geography. I first worked in the field of water and then in ecology and biodiversity. In particular, I participated in a LIFE+ project on the preservation of capercaillie in the Vosges mountains and in the creation of nature reserves. Since 2015, I have been head of the knowledge and heritage management department of the Mercantour National Park. This department is in charge of monitoring the wolf population but also of the partnership with the actors of the pastoral world. In this programme I will be in charge of the link between the Park services involved and of Rachel Berzins who will be the program coordinator.
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Sem biologinja z velikim zanimanjem za vedenjsko ekologijo živali. Moje dosedanje delo je bilo v večini povezano z velikimi sesalci (parkljarji in velikimi zvermi), že vse od začetkov, ko sem nabirala terenske izkušnje kot prostovoljka v različnih raziskovalnih skupinah po Evropi. Ponosna sem, da sem del zagnane in profesionalne ekipe, ki sodeluje v mednarodnih projektih, kot je LWA EU. Najbolj me osrečujejo trenutki v gozdu in gorah, bodisi na kolesu ali v gojzarjih, in preživet čas s prijatelji. Obožujem tudi podvodni svet morja, branje knjig in znanje o zdravilnih rastlinah.
MUSE - Science Museum
MUSE - Science Museum
Born in Bolzano in 1966, he graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Parma in 1991. In 1994, he obtained a PhD in Animal Biology (Ethology) at the University of Pisa. In 1997, he won a competition for “Technician of Zoology of Vertebrates and Scientific Museology” at the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences (MTSN) in Trento. From 2001 to 2008 he collaborated full-time with MTSN, dealing with research, dissemination and exhibition curating. Since 2008, he has been cultural mediator for Biodiversity and Ecology at the MUSE. Special events curator in the LIFE Wolfalps EU project.
Metropolitan City of Turin
Metropolitan City of Turin
The day after the discussion of the thesis in ecology on the spatial behavior of the deer in Alta Val di Susa for the Degree course in Natural Sciences, I was already in the mountains to organize the first monitoring of the wolf in Val di Susa for the Province of Turin. Since then (November 1997), I have followed the recolonization by the wolf of the western Alpine arc, first as a freelancer and then as an employee of CMTO. Hired in 2004 as an environmental wildlife agent, today I am a wildlife technician. My work activities range from research on the wolf, to the management of the wild boar, from environmental impact assessments to the design and verification of artificial passages for the ichthyofauna. I am Technical Manager of the project for Metropolitan City and I will take care of all the conservation actions in which CMTO is involved.
Agronomist, serving in the Province of Turin since 1999 as Administrative Instructor in the Flora and Fauna Protection Service, then I took the role of Environmental Expert in 2004 after a public competition. Since 2006, I’ve been responsible for the technical office of the same Service and mainly deal with land planning for wildlife purposes, wildlife management and assessment of the impacts that works, projects and programs have on wildlife. I am the administrative manager of the project for METO but I am also involved in numerous conservation actions as a technician. This is my first European project.
MUSE - Science Museum
MUSE - Science Museum
Since 1995, as responsible curator for the Zoology of Vertebrates Section of MUSE, I have been coordinating research programmes on fauna, with particular regard to the effects of environmental changes and the conservation status of threatened species and habitats of the Natura 2000 Network in the different Alpine contexts. I gave my contribution in the previous LIFE WolfAlps and I am currently in charge of the scientific technical coordination for MUSE and relations with the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
My name is Reinhard Huber. At AREC I work as a technician at the department for sheep and goats at the research centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. On the one hand, I am responsible for the practical implementation of tests and experiments and on the other hand, it is my responsibility to ensure a functioning research stable with 200 sheep and goats. Moreover, my current tasks focus on pasture and alpine pasture management. Within the project LIFE WolfAlps EU I work mainly on damage prevention and on the establishment of the wolf first aid teams. One of my private interests is our family-run deer enclosure for meat production and subsequently self-marketing. As an active hunter, wildlife and habitat conservation are also important to me.
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
I’m an Agricultural Expert. I entered the system of Protected Areas of Piedmont in 1985 as a park guard in the Avigliana Lakes Natural Park, a job I held until 1990. Subsequently, I moved from the supervisory sector to the administrative sector and I am currently in charge of the procurement of the Management Body of the protected areas of the Cottian Alps with the title of Administrative Officer. These are the first experiences regarding the reports of a LIFE WOLFALPS project that I will carry out in collaboration with my colleague Mario Cavallo.
OFB - French Biodiversity Agency
OFB - French Biodiversity Agency
I am the technical coordinator of the project at the French biodiversity agency (Office Français de la Biodiversité, OFB). Following fieldwork with marine turtles in Brazil and research on remote sensing in France, I undertook my PhD at Laval University in Quebec, Canada. Among other topics, I studied how wolves influenced the use of space of a large prey species, plains bison, and vice-versa, using telemetry data. I am currently interested in how research on animal behaviour, demography and predator-prey interactions can inform and improve the conservation and management of wildlife, particularly in the case of large mammalian herbivores and carnivores. The LIFE WolfAlps EU project represents a great opportunity in this regard.
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Po poklicu sem gozdar in že več kot deset let delam na področju prostoživečih živali na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije. Trenutno vodim projekt LIFE Lynx v okviru katerega želimo rešiti Dinarsko-JV Alpsko populacijo risov pred izumrtjem. Poleg tega predsedujem WISO platformi, ki deluje v okviru Alpske konvencije in sodelujem pri izvajanju posameznih aktivnosti projekta WOLF Alps EU. Prosti čas najraje preživljam s svojo družino in prijatelji. Uživam v potovanjih, pohodništvu, kajtanju in deskanju na snegu.
University of Turin - DBIOS
University of Turin - DBIOS
Attracted by the natural recolonization process of the Alps by wolf, and by the anthropogenic effects on wildlife, I took the first steps into wolf conservation and management collaborating as master student in the framework of the “Piedmont Wolf Project”, providing a wolf road ecology dissertation. Today, graduated in biology (conservation and animal biodiversity) and technician in Geographical Information Systems, I collaborate in the technical group of Life Wolfalps EU commissioned by the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of Turin (DBIOS), and I coordinate the wolf monitoring activities in Province of Turin, on behalf of the Metropolitan City (commissioned by Links Foundation). In the past, I worked in various contests ranging from naturalistic planning of the territory to scientific dissemination in the field of circular agriculture, but with the start of this LIFE Project I went back to the origins, rediscovering the ancient love and a lifelong passion, accompanied by a team of very high technical-scientific profile.
Cottian Alpes Protected Areas
Cottian Alpes Protected Areas
I was born in Torino, but life in the city did not prevent me from catching a specific acute altitude sickness syndrome since a very young age. I was editor for Alp and Rivista della Montagna magazines before embarking on a career as a freelance journalist that often leads me to visit the mountains by passion and profession, intrigued above all by athletic, environmental and social aspects. I deal with mountaineering accidents – especially those with a happy ending! – as press officer of the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (Italian Alpine Rescue Corps) and I write about wolves for the Alpi Cozie Parks.
EURAC Research, Administrative Responsible
EURAC Research, Administrative Responsible
For 11 years now, I have been the project assistant of the Institute for Regional Development of Eurac Research and responsible for managing the financial and technical aspects of the Institutes projects. Furthermore, I am responsible for the reporting and controlling and am dealing with all bureaucratic aspects of the projects.
Arma dei Carabinieri - Units for Forestry Environmental and Agri-food protection
Arma dei Carabinieri - Units for Forestry Environmental and Agri-food protection
I graduated in Forest end Environmental Sciences at the University of Turin, with a specialization in Environmental Security Sciences. I’ve been working in Italian Forestry Corps for 20 years, struggling against environmental offences: illegal logging, poaching, water and soil pollution, landscape defacement, animal abuse, agricultural public financing frauds. Since 2017, I am head of the Carabinieri Forestry Command of Cuneo Province.
Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park
Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park
I am responsible for the technical area of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park since 1999. In the framework of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project I am in charge of the general coordination of the activities and actions aimed at the prevention of damages to domestic animals and the promotion of the coexistence between wolf and economic activities in the territory.
Veterinary University Vienna
Veterinary University Vienna
I am a wildlife ecologist with a focus on human-wildlife interactions and conservation. Previously, I worked on urban wildlife, especially red foxes, where I included citizen science as a research method and a way to foster co-existence between wildlife and humans in cities. I have also been part of the Ural owl reintroduction in Austria, where I gained a lot of skills concerning knowledge transfer to the general public and communication. The return of wolves to the Alps and Central Europe is a great challenge for everyone involved and I am motivated to help to find solutions for co-existence. In my free time I enjoy hiking, horse riding and being outdoors as well as spending time with family and friends.
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Po izobrazbi sem biolog. Na področju velikih zveri sem aktivno vpleten zadnjih 10 let, najprej sem sodeloval kot prostovoljec, nato pa kot zaposlen na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije. Od leta 2014 se na ZGS najbolj ukvarjam s področjem konfliktov med človekom in velikimi zvermi, predvsem z ukrepi za preprečevanje škod, ki jih velike zveri povzročajo v kmetijstvu. Pri svojem delu poskušam razumeti vse vidike življenja na območju prisotnosti velikih zveri, pri čemer mi življenje na podeželju omogoča še nekoliko bolj podroben vpogled v vsakdanje izzive. Aktivno sem sodeloval tudi pri proučevanju šakala, vidre, bobra, invazivnih vrst, več kot 20 let pa sem tudi aktiven ornitolog. Prosti čas najraje namenim družini in prijateljem, ukvarjam pa se tudi z različnimi športi, predvsem s tekom, pohodništvom in drugimi aktivnostmi v naravi.
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta
I am a biologist and I work as a researcher at University of Ljubljana and as an analyst at the Slovenia Forestry Service. Topics related to wildlife ecology, conservation and management have been the main focus of my studies and my work. My main interest in research are questions with direct implication for large carnivore conservation. I have been actively involved in wolf monitoring in Slovenia since 2012 and I recently started to be strongly involved with national-scale camera trapping for monitoring of lynx. When out of the office, I like training with my dog, foraging, painting, podcasting and spending as much time as possible in nature.
Maritime Alps Protected Areas - University of Turin DBIOS
Maritime Alps Protected Areas - University of Turin DBIOS
Roman by origin, Alpine by adoption. My love at first sight with the mountains, and, in particular with the Maritime Alps, came in 2009, thanks to a study by the University of Sherbrooke on the Alpine chamois. I have never left these mountains; I have continued to work in nature conservation, alternating monitoring activities (especially on ungulates such as chamois and ibex) with communication and scientific dissemination activities in the field of ecology. I worked on the effects of climate change on Alpine environments and biodiversity in a project for which I was coordinator and thanks to which I cultivated, even more, my strong interest in the study of anthropogenic effects on ecosystems and the search for concrete actions for sustainability. Within the LifeWolfalps EU, I have the opportunity to deepen even more this field by pursuing my PhD at the University of Turin, with a study aimed at deepening the prey-predator dynamics and its interactions with human activities. The project gives me the opportunity to deepen one of the topics I care about but above all to grow professionally thanks to a team of the highest technical and scientific level.
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Agricultural Research and Education Centre HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
My name is Verena Mayer. I work at the department for project acquisition and I teach English and Biology at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. During my biology studies, I worked as a volunteer at a sanctuary for injured wildlife animals. Since then, I have been very interested in the biology and ecology of wildlife. Apart from that I am generally very close to nature and spend a lot of time hiking in the mountains. Within the project I am responsible for administrative tasks and project communication.
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
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Sem gozdar in ekolog s strastjo do odkrivanja novega znanja, skritega v vrsticah in stolpcih podatkovnih zbirk. Trenutno sem zaposlen na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije, kjer sodelujem v projektni skupini ki se ukvarja za velikimi zvermi. Ukvarjam se predvsem z temami povezanimi z monitoringom volka. Poleg dela na nacionalnih projektih monitoringa volka in projektu LIFE WOLFALPS EU sodelujem tudi pri projektih LIFE Lynx in LIFE NarcIS. Ohranjanje narave in analiza podatkov sta glavni temi, ki me zanimata že od študentskih let, zato se počutim resnično privilegiranega, da ju lahko združujem na tako zanimivem področju, kot je ohranjanje in upravljanje velikih zveri.
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
Po končanem študiju biologije me je pot najprej zanesla na področje vodne ekologije, predvsem v preučevanje vodnih nevretenčarjev celinskih voda. Leta 2017 sem se pridružila skupini, ki se ukvarja z velikimi zvermi na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije, kjer se ukvarjam predvsem s komunikacijskimi nalogami s področja velikih zveri. Veseli me delo v skupini, kjer lahko s svojo pozitivno energijo, iznajdljivostjo in ustvarjalnostjo pripomorem, da skupaj dosežemo najboljše rezultate. Menim, da je ohranitev velike zveri kot je ris izjemnega pomena in zelo sem vesela, da bom lahko tudi sama pripomogla k uresničitvi tega cilja.