Okoljsko in naravovarstveno vodenje in izobraževanje
Okoljsko in naravovarstveno vodenje in izobraževanje
Caminon offers nature guided trekkings and environmental education activities.
It mainly organizes outdoor education activities for children aged 3 and over. Working each time on different subjects, children have the opportunity to learn more about animals in the environment in which they live. Functional games, multisensory experiences and themed workshops make learning fun and unforgettable.
According to the stewardship agreement, Caminon will develop trekkings and educational activities on wolves, and the LWA EU project will provide the necessary material and support to these activities
Escursioni Liguria
Naravovarstveno vodenje in izobraževanje
Escursioni Liguria
Naravovarstveno vodenje in izobraževanje
Escursioni Liguria offers hiking, family walks, and guided trekkings. Its goal is to develop sustainable tourism at the local level, bringing out the still little known area of the Ligurian hinterland for its naturalistic beauties, making the presence of the wolf become also an economical resource for the territory.
Escursioni Liguria will organize both guided nature guides, school educational activities and workshops for AIGAE nature guides to spread objective knowledge about wolves. It is also contributing to some of the project’s main objectives: monitoring, information, development of a sustainable form of wolf-ecotourism on a local scale. Its educational and ecotourism activities will respect the project’s guidelines and the project will be able to support the company in the promotion of events, in an exchange for mutual benefit.
Studio za tehnično svetovanje in okoljsko izobraževanje
Studio za tehnično svetovanje in okoljsko izobraževanje
BorberAmbiente is a technical office active in the fields of geological and environmental consultancy, services for the protection and enhancement of water resources and geotourism. Thanks to the professional skills of Irene Zembo and the network of her collaborators, the office also offers training and environmental education services aimed at schools and citizens.
BorberAmbiente will organize school projects aimed at enhancing knowledge about the wolf through both theoretical lessons and field activities, such as hiking and orienteering, with the support of the project
Mistral Tour International
Turstični operater
Mistral Tour International
Turstični operater
Mistral Tour International is a tour operator specialized in cultural and naturalistic trips, on a project to enhance the value of Italian protected areas and the fauna present on our territory, of which the wolf is one of the noblest and most discussed representatives.
In order to guarantee correct and objective information on the presence and management of the wolf in the area to the staff of Mistral Tour International and consequently to the people who are accompanied by them during nature trips, joint training courses will be organized, as well as there will be a sharing of teaching and information materials
La Ventura - Trekking and Mountain Bike
Amatersko športno združenje
La Ventura - Trekking and Mountain Bike
Amatersko športno združenje
The association La Ventura – Trekking and Mountain Bike is based in Moretti di Ponzone (AL), and organizes guided trekkings and educational activities for children.
BorberAmbiente svilupperà una serie di laboratori didattici per favorire la conoscenza del lupo nel territorio della val Borbera, che includono lezioni teoriche sull’ecologia della specie e attività pratiche, come le escursioni e l’orienteering.
B Come Biodiversità - Associazione La Montanina
Združenje za okoljsko izobraževanje, raziskave in socialno vključevanje
B Come Biodiversità - Associazione La Montanina
Združenje za okoljsko izobraževanje, raziskave in socialno vključevanje
BcomeBiodiversity is a project of the ETS La Montanina that aims to enhance, map and communicate the biodiversity of the territory of the lower Bormida Valley, Tanaro, Orba, Belbo and the Alexandrian plain. These goals are pursued by naturalistic guides passionate about their territory and motivated to contribute to the collection of data on biodiversity. The disclosure of this knowledge gets through educational courses for schools and public meetings for the public.
L’accordo di stewardship si basa su due linee di azione principali:
- corsi di formazione del personale di Mistral tour International, e condivisione di materiale informativo e didattico, per garantire un’informazione corretta e obiettiva sulla presenza e gestione dl lupo
- creazione di percorsi di ecoturismo
Rémy Masseglia
Snemalec dokumentarnih filmov
Rémy Masseglia
Snemalec dokumentarnih filmov
Rémy grew up in the Roya valley in contact with nature. Passionate about wildlife since his childhood at the gates of the Mercantour Park, Rémy also became interested in the image business. He was able to reconcile his two passions in his professional activity since he is now a documentary maker, notably on the fauna of the Mercantour. His first film “Naïs aux Pays des loups” is a huge success and a second project is already underway. Rémy roams the park in search of images that make him a great expert of the wildlife of our valleys.
Rémy Masséglia contribuisce ad una buona comunicazione sulle specie attraverso il suo primo documentario sulla scoperta della fauna del Mercantour, e del lupo in particolare, da parte della sua piccola figlia. In particolare, il documentario di Rémy sarà utilizzato e mostrato durante l’evento del progetto per presentare al pubblico il lavoro svolto sul lupo e la coesistenza con le attività umane. Egli contribuirà anche alla raccolta di segni di presenza della specie durante le sue attività sul campo volte a raccogliere immagini e video per i suoi documentari in tutto il parco.
AIGAE - Italian Association of Environmental Hiking Guides
Združenje okoljskih turističnih vodnikov
AIGAE - Italian Association of Environmental Hiking Guides
Združenje okoljskih turističnih vodnikov
AIGAE, the Italian Association of Environmental Hiking Guides, was founded in 1992, and is the national association that represents those who by profession accompany people in nature, illustrating the environmental and cultural characteristics of the visited area. Today, we have over 3000 members throughout Italy, more than 100 associated companies, offices in every region of Italy, our Regional Coordinations, an internal quarterly newsletter, training courses, a website, a code of ethics to guarantee the members’ work quality, 2 compulsory insurances for its members, presence at the main trade fairs in the sector.
For years, AIGAE has been organizing national and international conferences, debates, setting them in protected areas distributed throughout Italy, having as partners ministries, parks, universities, specialized magazines, etc.
AIGAE is certainly an important reference in Italy for those involved in Environmental Education and ecotourism. AIGAE is also a member of the National Green Tourism Observatory, COLAP (Coordination of Free Professional Associations), Federparchi, Interpet Europe, and is a partner of numerous protected areas.
Thanks to the support and content provided by LWA EU, AIGAE is committed to preparing and managing educational projects, public dissemination events, hiking activities, update meetings aimed at AIGAE guides to inform about the wolf, the activities of the LWA EU project, themes related to wolf / human coexistence and activities carried out by the Belluno Dolomites National Park. Aiming at sustainable tourism attentive to the territory and fauna, the association undertakes to apply the guidelines on ecotourism linked to the presence of wolves, developed as part of the LIFE Wolfalps EU project, in its activities. It will also contribute to the monitoring of the species on the territory, reporting the data to the competent institutions.
DINA Pivka
Informacijski center za obiskovalce o velikih zvereh
DINA Pivka
Informacijski center za obiskovalce o velikih zvereh
Dina je informacijski center za obiskovalce, ki je nastal v okviru projekta Interreg (Carnivora Dinarica). V njem je na ogled interaktivna razstava o velikih zvereh, ki ozavešča o sobivanju med ljudmi in velikimi zvermi. V centru sta predstavljena tudi biologija in ekologija velikih zveri dinarsko-kraške regije (Slovenija, Hrvaška). Z aktiviranjem deležnikov zaposleni v centru stalno in celovito ozaveščajo obiskovalce, prebivalce, strokovno in drugo zainteresirano javnost o pomenu ohranjanja velikih zveri in njihovih ekosistemskih storitev.
Dina bo z organiziranjem vodenih obiskov in predavanj v centru za različne kategorije deležnikov spodbujala pravilno obveščanje o volkovih. Pripravila bo tudi informativne članke o velikih zvereh, ki bodo ob podpori projekta objavljeni v lokalnih revijah.
Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna
Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna
Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna je srednja šola, na kateri se dijaki šolajo v štirih gimnazijskih programih: gimnaziji, športnem oddelku gimnazije, ekonomski gimnaziji in športnem oddelku ekonomske gimnazije. Vsi programi se zaključijo s splošno maturo. Za uspešno športno, umetniško, poslovno ali znanstveno pot dijaki šolsko znanje nadgrajujejo pri mnogih projektih (tudi na LIFE WOLFALPS EU, SCHOOL21, NAMA, DDK, Erasmus+, eTweening itd.), izmenjavah, tekmovanjih, taborih, ekskurzijah. Gimnazija spodbuja vse pozitivne vrednote, ki bogatijo medosebne odnose med dijaki, profesorji, starši in okoljem, v katerem živijo. Ena izmed najpomembnejših vrednot, ki jo gojimo, je tudi odgovornost za prihodnost, saj želimo v dijakih vzbuditi ustvarjalnost, kritično mišljenje in spoštovanje do izobraževalnega procesa.
Gimnazija igra pomembno vlogo v izobraževanju mladostnikov, ne samo pri deljenju informacij in znanja, temveč tudi pri razvijanju kritičnega mišljenja in razvijanje osebnega mnenja. Zato bo namen sodelovanja na projektu LIFE WOLFALPS EU tako deljenje na znanstven način pridobljenih informacij, kot tudi vpogled različnih vidikov na temo volkov. V okviru naravoslovnega dneva smo vključili volka preko spoznavanja z osnovnimi ekološkimi pojmi, ki so del učnega načrta, dotaknili pa smo se tudi raziskovanja in stikov volkov in ljudi. Sledi še obravnava besedil preko učenja tujih jezikov in likovnega ustvarjanja. Na ta način bodo dijaki imeli priložnost priti v stik s temami o volku na različne načine in imeli možnost si ustvariti mnenje na podlagi različnih vtisov.
Peuples & Nature
Peuples & Nature
Peuples & Nature is a young association founded in France by adventure tourism professionals and travel enthusiasts, eager to incorporate all their ethics into their profession and their peregrinations.
Their values: prioritize the respect of the living, maximize local economic benefits, encourage encounters between cultures, offer unique destinations, choose soft mobility, propose ecological and coherent formulas
The Peuples & Nature association has set up “LUPUS”, a series of field trips on the theme of the wolf. The objective is to bring basic knowledge about the species to elementary school children in the Vercors region, to “demystify” it and to talk more broadly about the great French fauna, while giving children the opportunity to spend time outdoors in winter, to discover snowshoeing and mountain nature.
The document “Non-consumptive use of wolves in tourism: guidelines for responsible practices” has been elaborated in the framework of the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project. It has been reviewed and approved by Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe, IUCN/SSC Specialist Group. A French translation is provided by the OFB as the basis for this Stewardship Agreement.
Peuples & Nature would like to take note of these recommendations in order to put them into practice within the framework of the development of a project of thematic nature field trips for adults focused on the wolf.
Peuples & Nature wishes to organize field trips that are both qualitative and adapted to the local context. The idea is simple: a teepee with an easy-to-install stove would be set up for one or two nights in the region (Massif du Vercors) during the winter. From this camp, the participants and the guide would travel for two to three days in search of signs of wildlife.
The aim of this Stewardship agreement is to put into practice the recommendations issued by the LWA EU for responsible tourism and a non-consumptive use of the wolf theme. Regular exchanges will make it possible to appreciate the feasibility and the qualitative contribution of these recommendations to the tourist offers of the association.
SAT - Società Alpinisti Tridentini
Social promotion association
SAT - Società Alpinisti Tridentini
Social promotion association
The Tridentine Mountaineers’ Society (SAT) was founded in Madonna di Campiglio on September the 2nd 1872 under the name Alpine Society of Trentino. The founding members intended to promote knowledge of the mountains of Trentino, the tourist development of the valleys and the “Italian-ness” of Trentino. Today, SAT has nearly 25,000 members, divided into numerous Sections spanning the entire Trentino territory, promoting each valley. It manages mountain huts (rifugi), bivouacs and various other facilities that are indispensable reference points for the safety and refreshment of mountaineers. It takes care of the signage and maintenance of 5,500 km of alpine paths, equipped trails and via ferrata routes thanks to the work of volunteer members. Through the work of its Commissions, composed of experienced volunteers, it develops content and expert advice useful in dealing with the complexity of the alpine world. Human-large carnivore coexistence is one of them.
Through the Mountain Environment Protection Commission (TAM), SAT will collaborate on events and excursions on the topic of coexistence with large carnivores, while taking care of coordinated communication initiatives with other associations that share the same interest. The promotion of guidelines for sustainable wolf tourism will be another line of action in which SAT will focus its efforts.
Polvere di Stelle
Tour operator
Polvere di Stelle
Tour operator
Polvere di Stelle – Tour Operator was born in 2013 as an integration of a long professional path started in 2001 closely related to the outdoors in its different expressions: from the management of accommodation facilities characteristic of the alpine environment (summer and winter refuges, hotels and mountain restaurants) to projects and activities as Naturalistic Guides in the field of environmental education, nature tourism and territory development.
In more than two decades of experience, they have consolidated partnerships and built ties in the area by seeking to enhance and promote natural beauty, historical evidence and food and wine traditions with the Susa Valley Parks and various municipalities and public and private entities.
They make use of the collaboration of Tourist Guides, Professional Educators, Nature Leaders and Mountain Guides.
Polvere di Stelle is committed to promoting educational activities, excursions, stays in Refuges that will have among their objectives the deepening of the theme “Wolf” in its different meanings: scientific, historical-cultural – ecological.
Will promote at least one weekly residential summer camp in Refuge aimed at children/children where the wolf theme will be addressed and the LIFE WolfAlps EU project will be told.
It will also develop events/excursions on the territory/dissemination evenings aimed particularly at tourists – but not only – about the presence of the wolf, its return to the territory of the Susa Valley. Finally, it will collaborate and give support to the protected areas of the Cottian Alps for any activities related to the project
Vigie Jura
Vigie Jura
The Vigie Jura association was officially created in May 2022 to further coexistence between large predators and human activities in the Haut Doubs department of France (north of the French Alpes). In late August 2022, a series of suspected wolf predations on cattle took place in the area. Given the current lack of any direct and official public funding for the protection of cattle from depredation by large carnivores in France, Vigie Jura would like to set up a volunteering herd surveillance program similar to the one deployed in Switzerland (OPPAL: (Organization for the Protection of Alpine Pastures, https://oppal.ch/). The association plans set up their volunteering program during the summer. They also wish to create a partnership with the Forestry Agency to study the impact of wolf predation on deer and its possible cascading impact on the forest.
Collaboration will include the sharing of experiences with the volunteering program for prevention, and promotion and sharing of good practices produced by both the project and the Steward
Gil Streitcher
Wildlife photographer
Gil Streitcher
Wildlife photographer
Settled in the Ubaye valley since 1990, Gil has developed his activity around the big wild fauna (wolf in particular) and animal photography. The Mercantour territory is exceptional for this and he is in close contact with the Mercantour national park team. He also proposes field stays in Italy and Spain. It is the passion that guides him and the great emotions shared with his close relations or with his customers that motivate him.
Gil will carry out activites at schools and guided tours on wolves in collaboration with the project. Moreover, he contributes to wolf monitoring by sharing data he collects in the field.
Education, communication, nature interpretation and hiking
Education, communication, nature interpretation and hiking
Ilaria Selvaggio is a naturalist and loves to chat. If it is for work, she chats about science: in the field, in schools, in training courses and at events. Otherwise, she writes – popular texts in various fields of communication – and often walks for work and pleasure. She is an environmental hiking guide on nature excursions, trying to tell the story of the relationship between nature and human culture. She also enjoys taking photographs, which are useful for her outreach activities.
She plans activities for the non-specialist public and for schools: excursions of one or more days in the Upper Piedmont area on the theme of the wolf, including research and cohabitation activities, with informative presentations, transect simulations for data collection and tastings of local products. All the activities will also be organised within the protected areas of which she is official guide (Valle Sesia Protected Areas, Val Grande National Park, Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark) and with the involvement of other realities in the area, such as refuges and farms. She will also contribute to wolf monitoring.
PIAM Onlus
Social promotion association
PIAM Onlus
Social promotion association
PIAM onlus is a secular association based in Asti, consisting of Italian and migrant social workers. Since 2000, it has focused on women and immigration, with particular attention to victims of trafficking and exploitation. Since 2011, it has initiated projects for the reception and integration of asylum seekers, refugees, and displaced persons. Starting in 2018, PIAM onlus began collaborating with small municipalities in the province of Asti on initiatives to support vulnerable segments of the population, seek local development opportunities, and promote the area within the context of sustainable tourism.
PIAM onlus plans to organize cultural activities of social interest with an educational focus on the theme of wolves. The aim is to promote a greater understanding of the species and encourage appropriate behavior towards wildlife in general. This includes contributing to the dissemination of informational and educational materials produced as part of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project. Looking ahead, PIAM onlus would like to highlight a segment of the Cammino (the walking route) by promoting the image of the wolf, drawing inspiration from the positive model of the “Centro Uomini e Lupi” in Entracque.
Associazione Lago Stella
Social promotion association
Associazione Lago Stella
Social promotion association
Associazione Lago Stella is a non-partisan and non-denominational association based in Castellero (AT), founded in 2021 with the goal of fostering social inclusion and promoting the enhancement of the area’s natural heritage. The association manages a small cultural and recreational club on the shores of Lake Stella in Castellero, cares for a semi-wild donkey colony, and promotes initiatives in social agriculture, environmental education, the promotion of sustainable lifestyles, and the preservation of biodiversity.
Associazione Lago Stella plans to organize cultural activities of social interest with an educational focus on the theme of wolves. The goal is to promote a better understanding of the species and encourage appropriate behavior towards wildlife in general. Additionally, the association aims to contribute to the dissemination of informational and educational materials produced as part of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project. Specifically, within the framework of the “Lago Stella: A World of Biodiversity” project, the association intends to feature the wolf as one of the five “ambassador” species around which environmental education activities and the promotion of the area’s natural heritage will be centered.