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Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU Life WolfAlps EU


Coordination, management and administration of the project by the project steering groups

The Project coordination is essential for the to a good management of the project and a fruitful success of the actions among the different partners. The Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette delle Alpi Marittime (APAM) will be the responsible and the coordinating beneficiary. APAM will manage the whole project through an organization illustrated by the organizational chart (see the Figure). A member of APAM’s permanent staff will be the project responsible (PR). 

The PR will ensure effective and prompt implementation of all project activities. PR will hold meetings and discussions for assessing project progress and eventually discuss the strategic actions to be taken. APAM staff will prepare and sign partnership agreements with the project partners and will regularly maintain contacts with project partners. Coordination through Skype, video, phone calls, and teleconferences will be held on a constant basis, while a 3-day overall project meeting will be held every year, in Italy at the Coordinating beneficiary headquarters (Valdieri, Cuneo, Italy) and will be attended by at least two representatives per each partner institution. 

Each partner will have staff dedicated to financial administration of the LIFE budget and the technical implementation of activities under their responsibilities, particularly devoted to the necessary administrative procedures for LIFE project implementation. Staff will hold continuous communication with the respective team leaders in APAM for seeking advice and will get guidance on timing of all activities.

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