Damage prevention news

WPIU in action in Mercantour National Park!

17 August 2021

The WPIU of the Mercantour National Park has been doing fieldwork for one month and a half already!
It is composed of the PNM – LWA EU coordinator, a technical assistant and a team of 5 agropastoralism mediators. The unit undertook an opening 4-day training course at the end of June, consisting of training courses  on LGD behaviour, breeder and shepherd daily practices and mediation techniques, both indoors and on the field.                     

Interventions have been going on ever since in the whole territory (valleys of Tinée, Vésubie, Roya and Cians rivers) and the shepherd practices are described according the WPIU protocol with the consent of the farmer. 

On August 5 the team reunited for a mid-summer meeting. Over 25 breeders have already been met or helped in their duties such as moving to other pastures.

The unit is working hard to ease interactions between multiple mountain users and find solutions to wolf attacks! Find some photos of fieldwork and meetings below.

WPIU in action in Mercantour National Park! - Life Wolfalps EU
WPIU in action in Mercantour National Park! - Life Wolfalps EU