Slovenian Forest Service team visited the LIFE Lynxconnect project in Spain
In the middle of October, the LWA EU project team from Slovenian Forest Service visited the LIFE Lynxconnect project in Spain. The hosts have started with their fourth LIFE project, which aims to connect all existing Iberian lynx populations into one functional metapopulation.
Meeting with the team, which has more than 20 years of experience in the implementation of European projects in the field of endangered species conservation, allowed the LWA EU project members to exchange experiences on the management and implementation of LIFE projects. In addition, during the 4-day excursion, they learned in detail about examples of good practice that are not only related to the conservation of the Iberian lynx, but also relevant for the conservation of large carnivores in general. This included working with stakeholders, ensuring habitat connectivity and the importance of proper management of prey species.
The new knowledge gained and the good practices related to the general conservation of large carnivores and the implementation of LIFE projects will contribute to a more successful implementation of the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project.