Project presentation in Bela Krajina at Sheep and goat exhibition
On the last Sunday in August, the 26th exhibition of sheep and goats took place in Semič a town in SE Slovenia with a long tradition of sheep breeding. This long-established exhibition is organized annually by the Bela Krajina Sheep Breeders’ Association and is attended by many different stakeholders; farmers, livestock guarding dogs’ breeders, municipality officials and general public. On this year’s event, project partners from Slovenia Forest Service presented different methods of livestock protection against attacks of large carnivores, and other activities of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project. Although, large carnivores do not cause major problems in this area, as their density is low, it is crucial to inform the breeders about the importance of livestock protection. Furthermore, since breeders from all around the country attend this exhibition such events offer many possibilities for discussions about a wide range of topics connected to large carnivores and livestock protection.