Communication news Stakeholders’ engagement

Exploring tools for effective communication INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP in Milan, Italy – Registrations open

21 May 2024

Dealing with complexity – From large carnivores conservation to biodiversity loss: exploring tools for effective communicationf

Establishing contacts and exchanging knowledge, pilot experiences and communication strategies among projects, institutions, associations or professionals are crucial aspects to develop effective wildlife conservation and communication approaches.

In the framework of the communication initiatives of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project, the partners Regione Lombardia and Aree protette Alpi Marittime organised a workshop that will take place in Milan on 12 June 2024, and aims to enhance our collective understanding and communication strategies regarding large carnivores.

The morning session of the workshop will be dedicated to different communication strategies that can be applied to a large variety of environmental issues. International experts will present their experience, difficulties and solutions. Topics will cover different environmental issues, including climate crisis, invasive alien species, communication about coexistence with large carnivores, and different communication approaches like crisis communication, NGO campaigns and positive communication.

The afternoon session will actively involve all (in presence) participants in a “world cafè” setting. This will provide an opportunity to share valuable expertise and work on selected issues. Our aim is to foster greater awareness and understanding of large carnivores by collectively improving our communication efforts.

Download HERE the programme.

Register HERE to receive the link to follow the morning session on-line.

For more info:

The participation to the workshop is free. The initiative is promoted in the frame of the peocject LIFE WOLFALPS EU – LIFE18 NAT/IT/000972 and funded by the LIFE Programme.