Ecotourism news Stakeholders’ engagement

The initiative ‘A Cushion for Coexistence’ approaches its conclusion

8 March 2024
Aree Protette Alpi Marittime

The initiative “A pillow for coexistence” launched by the Aree Protette Alpi Marittime within the framework of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project and with the support of Io non ho paura del lupo APS is drawing to a close.

The valorisation of wool is a concrete tool to provide sheep shepherds with new perspectives, as their sheep are undoubtedly among the most vulnerable prey to wolf attacks. Thanks to the study “Lana che fare?” on the Italian wool sector, with a focus on the Alpine arc and the Ligurian-Piedmontese Apennines, carried out by Luisa Vielmi, naturalist and difesAttiva technician, we tried to identify the limits and opportunities for the development of the wool product. Therefore, with the idea of creating a virtuous circle that would bring raw wool from the pasture into our homes 1,300 kilos of greasy wool were collected from four farms in the protected area of Piedmont. This wool was then processed at Biella The Wool Company and transformed into comfortable, soft cushions for pets thanks to the work of some passionate artisans in the Langhe.

The sale of these pillows was then entrusted to Io non ho paura del lupo APS , which firstly provided for the wool to be repaid at a fair price to the four livestock farms involved in the project, and secondly for the approximately EUR 2,000 from the sale to be allocated to the Coexistence Fund 2024, which will soon be made available to the livestock farmers who can apply for it.

The valorisation of wool is a key element in protecting a heritage as important to our territory as sheep farming. With this small project, we wanted to give a signal…to show that wool can once again become a resource, and that through the involvement of different local professionals ,it is possible to start planning an activity to recover this precious material. ” Thus Piermario Giordano President of the Park, coordinating beneficiary of the LIFE WolfAlps EU project.

Going into detail: 80 cushions were provided for sale at the agreed price of €45 each for total proceeds of €3,6000. From this amount the Association Io non ho paura del lupo paid the farmers involved €1,338. From the remaining €2,262, 15% was deducted to support the costs incurred by the Association (collection fee via paypal, shipping materials, etc.). The remaining €1,922 will be made available to the coexistence fund and during the coming weeks Io non ho paura del lupo will provide all the necessary information to the breeders who wish to take advantage of it.

One particular note concerns Io non ho paura del lupo’s willingness to go beyond the agreements and still proceed with paying the farmers despite the fact that not all the pillows have been sold yet.

Therefore, the invitation is to continue to support this initiative by purchasing the last available pillows at the following LINK and helping the future development of further initiatives dedicated to the coexistence of man and wolf.