Exchanging our experience with experts on large carnivore topics
In June, LIFE WolfAlps EU and LIFE Lynx teams from Slovenia Forest Service hosted European experts working with large carnivore topics. Representatives from Italy, Spain, England, Austria, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, and Iran joined the three-day excursion in Notranjska and Gorenjska regions. The first day started at DINA Centre, where the experts from Slovenia Forest Service gave the participants a comprehensive presentation on large carnivore research, management, and damage prevention, as well as prey species management. We also heard reports from other countries and projects, such as bear management in the Apennines (Rewilding Apennines), large carnivores in Austrian Carinthia, the story of the rescue of the Iberian lynx in Spain (Lynx Connect), lynx monitoring in Albania and surrounding countries (Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme), and the efforts with the reintroduction of lynx in the UK (Lifescape project).
As a part of a stewardship engagement, a representative from Center DINA organized a visit to the large carnivore information center. Afterward, the work of the local farmer and its LGS breeding experiences and use were presented on site.
On the second day also the partners from LIFE Narcis and LIFE for Species from Latvia joined the group. On the last day, the visit was in the Gorenjska region, where the participants learned more about Triglav national park, and visited a local farmer who uses high electric fences to protect the flock in the Alpine area. Afterwards, on the site where roe deer individuals were captured and equipped with telemetry collars, the predator-prey study from the project was presented.
Group photo of the participants at the excursion. Visiting capture site in the Gorenska region, while Nives Pagon presenting roe deer telemetry.