Communication Education news Stakeholders’ engagement Stewardship

Connecting project stewards to maximize people’s awareness

18 January 2023
Slovenia Forest Service

During the New Year holidays, the DINA Centre, Large carnivore information centre organized several activities for children. One of them involved a livestock breeder and hunter, who presented the characteristics of large carnivores and the signs of their presence in the environment. She also shared with the children interesting hunting stories and her experience of working on a farm located in the core area of large carnivores.

Connecting project stewards to maximize people's awareness - Life Wolfalps EU
Barbara Štimec, hunters and farmer presenting large carnivores to young audience in DINA Centre. Photo: Meta Štimec

Both the DINA Centre and livestock breeder participate in the LIFE WolfAlps EU project as stewards. Their key mission is to raise awareness – to pass on knowledge and experience to a wider audience. If we combine both aspects, the importance of wolf conservation and all the challenges of living with wolves, we have a common thread of key information that we want to pass on to younger generations.

Connecting project stewards to maximize people's awareness - Life Wolfalps EU
Photo: Meta Štimec