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Education to train the stewards of tomorrow

Educational activities aimed at school children and teachers are a pillar of communication activities. 

For teachers they are provided:

Training courses and summer schools for teachers and nature guides: the ambassador teachers trained during the previous LIFE WOLFALPS project proved to be a powerful dissemination tool, able to multiply the impact of the project’s educational actions and to extend their duration in the period after LIFE funding.

The following activities are foreseen for school-age kids:

Kamishibai Theater (kindergarten): animated reading through a small Japanese theatre, with tables drawn and inspired by true stories of wolves.

A Wolf in a Backpack (primary school): educational kit that can be contained in a backpack to facilitate outdoor activities. Educational materials will be prepared for outdoor learning (games and field activities) about wolves, their habitat, interaction with the farming activities.

Classroom experts (upper secondary schools, ages 15-18): zootechnical farmers, hunters, silviculturists, park rangers and wildlife biologists present their experiences with wolves in schools. In this way students will be involved in an active dialogue and come into contact with multidisciplinary aspects of conservation and coexistence between humans and wolves. This part will be enriched by a role play, to stimulate discussion on wildlife management in inhabited areas.

WolfQuiz (secondary schools): an interactive online quiz, which allows children to answer in real time via their mobile phones. The questions are taken from real news, stories or statements.

“Lupinella” companion book: after the success of the illustrated book “Lupinella” a new publishing product will be produced.
UniversiWolf (university): conferences and/or field activities for university students.

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