Communication news Stewardship

Meeting with Turkish experts and managers on large carnivore management

1 July 2022
Slovenia Forest Service

In the middle of June, another expert group visited Slovenia, this time from Turkey. The delegation consisting of large carnivore managers and experts, visited Slovenia as part of the European Union co-funded project Preparation, Implementation, and Monitoring of Species Action Plans for Endangered Species in Turkey within the Concept of a New Methodology.

Meeting with Turkish experts and managers on large carnivore management - Life Wolfalps EU
The introductory greetings by representative of the DINA Centre. Photo: Vesna Oražem, LIFE WolfAlps EU

The aim of their project is to develop management strategies and action plans for all endangered species in Turkey, so the focus of the meeting was the management of the wolf and other large carnivores in Slovenia, with an emphasis on the preparation of strategic documents and their implementation, also in the scope on LIFE WolfAlps EU and LIFE Lynx projects. The participatory approach to the wolf strategy preparation was also presented as well as its comparison with other large carnivore species’ strategic document preparation. In addition to the participatory process, participants were also interested in the selection of key stakeholder groups and the challenges their views present.

Meeting with Turkish experts and managers on large carnivore management - Life Wolfalps EU
Participants at the meeting, while Matej Bartol (SFS) presenting the preparation of strategic documents for wolf and bear. Photo: Vesna Oražem, LIFE WolfAlps EU

After the meeting, participants were offered also a guided tour of the Center DINA, the project’s steward institution.

Sharing information between institutions and projects is important for the successful implementation of any project. Therefore, this kind of exchange benefits all; the participants and the organizers.