Communication Education news

First teacher training in Austria completed

17 November 2022
Veterinary University Vienna

For some years now, wolves have been returning to Austria. Around this natural return there are usually many questions. The LIFE WolfAlps EU project offers a series of training courses for educators to deal with the topic and to get comprehensive information and ideas for teaching about wolves.

First teacher training in Austria completed - Life Wolfalps EU
Teachers at the first training in Upper Austria. (c) H. Möslinger / Naturschutzbund Österreich

The first training took place on October 14, 2022 in cooperation with the Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich and the Naturschutzbund Österreich. 25 teachers from different school types and levels took an afternoon to learn more about the biology of the wolf, its protection and its expansion in the Alps and Central Europe. Discussions and information about different herd protection measures and the challenges of living together with wolves rounded off the training. In addition, several possibilities were presented on how the topic of wolves can be dealt with in the classroom in a wide variety of subjects.