Education news

Teacher training on-line in Austria about the return of the wolf

7 November 2023
Veterinary University Vienna

Teacher trainign organised by Naturschutzbund Österreich in cooperation with the university Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik (HAUP).

In this two-part webinar, as part of LIFE WolfAlpsEU, we will get to know the ancestor of our dogs better. The wolf, a large carnivore that interacts with its prey, is returning to Austria.

Children and young people are usually keen to get to know the wolf better. It inspires enthusiasm and at the same time stirs up fears. But how does the wolf live? How does it behave? What does its return mean for us humans? How can you recognise a wolf in an area and how can you tell it apart from a dog? These and many other questions will be addressed on two evenings. The factual information provided on the biology, lifestyle and behaviour of the wolf, as well as on the topic of herd protection, should help participants to deal with the topic in class with the help of the documents.


  • Biology and lifestyle of the wolf species
  • Gain knowledge and experience on the topic of living with wolves (behaviour during encounters)
  • Insights into the possibilities of herd protection
  • Recognising signs of wolves

Teachers from NMS, ASO, PTS, AHS

1st part: 05.12.2023 – 17:30 – 19:00 hrs
2nd part: 12.12.2023 – 17:30 – 19:00

For more info click HERE.