Dealing with urban wolves: develop specific protocols for prevention, surveillance, and eventually managing bold wolves
Urban wolves are a new important issue especially present in higher density areas in the Western Alps of Italy and France and in the Piedmont-Ligurian Apennine Corridor . The Piemonte region will be particularly involved in this action, given the local needs and considering the appearance of recent wolf packs close to Torino, Alessandria and Mondovi cities, which open new conservation and management issues, which will be solved firstly by the preparation of shared protocols.
In particular we will produce:
- A protocol for adapting surveillance and monitoring strategies in urban areas, following the work of Action A5.
- A specific protocol for adapting prevention strategies in urban areas, following the work of Action A2.
- A specific protocol for the identification and definition of bold wolves, considering the definition developed by LCIE and following the work of Action C5.
We will realize an awareness campaign related to the topic with involvement of local stakeholders.